Friday, March 21, 2014

Waiting for Spring

On Wednesday we celebrated the Feast of St Joseph. 
I adore the Wednesday morning mass as the students from the local Catholic school attend and are responsible for greeting, doing the scripture readings, as well as singing in the choir.  I'm so very impressed with those young people as well as the adults who are teaching them.  The choir sounds like I'm in a cathedral in London. Truly it does!  And I love St. Joseph - as I've mentioned before he has been a powerful intercessor for us.  I love what Anthony Esolen wrote in our Magnificat Lenten Companion for this day.  His reflection is entitled "A Quiet Man" and he goes on to say," ...It's well for us that the feast of St. Joseph should fall during Lent.  For Joseph makes no noise in the Gospels.  He does not utter a single word.  How often do we speak not only before we have listened, but in order to keep from listening in the first place?  But the word of God comes to Joseph quietly, in a dream, like a whisper..."

The first day of Spring arrived with snow and rain.  We're all so weary of shoveling the snow and so eager to see those first signs of spring...a green bud here or there.  But as I looked out over the snow covered field across the river yesterday evening, and it was creating a reflection of the other side of the bank, I heard that small voice of God, in a whisper and  I was reminded to pay attention - for as weary as we might be, there is still beauty to be had in this present moment. 

Have a blessed weekend my friends!

Friday, March 14, 2014

7 QT After the storm an indigo day

It's been awhile but I thought it would be fun to link up with the 7QT Party that Jennifer Fulwiler so graciously hosts every week.  So here we go! 
Another big storm blew in Wednesday - started with a light snow, then big fluffy flakes before it got down to the business of being a bonafide snowstorm.  And then the wind blew and the snow swirled and it was all very beautiful.  


Thanks so much for stopping by my little snowy corner of the world,  and for more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Out and About before the storm

Expecting another significant storm tomorrow evening into Thursday.  Still, I can feel spring in the air despite the still chilly temperatures.  We journeyed out this afternoon to visit the knitting shop in Camden and then had a late picnic at the beach down the road.   Beautiful just to sit and watch the ocean...the ferry heading out to one of the islands...searched for sea glass (didn't find any) and watched the aerial antics of the seagulls.