Friday, December 20, 2013

7 QT It's almost here! (Vol VII)

Joining the fun one more time with Conversion Diary!
So...our entire outlook on weather, and what constitutes "cold" has been irrevocably altered.  Now, anything that's 0 or above seems quite balmy.  Seriously.  The other morning when I woke up, I checked the weather on my phone and it was 10 below.  Not wind chill.  Actual temperature.  But we were cozy and it just didn't seem that bad!  Back in Texas, I think we might have freaked out, just a little bit. 

We try to take a good, brisk, long walk every day.  No matter what, unless there is an actual snowstorm going on.  A few days we've been tempted to skip it, and then we look out our window to see several of the neighbors (I'm pretty sure who are older than us) bundled up and briskly walking.  So we'll look at each other, sigh, and say, better get our boots and coats on!  So far, even when the temperature has dipped below 0, our walk has gone well and we've been glad we did it. 

Tomorrow is the Winter Solstice.  And then these days will begin growing longer, little by little.  When the time change first occurred, it came as quite a surprise to me, to have the days grow short so quickly.  At first it was quite an adjustment.  We started walking before lunch so we would be sure to have plenty of light.  We added little white lights around various windows of the house and started turning on lamps by 3:00 p.m.  It's surprising to me how quickly we are able to adjust, because it wasn't long before I started to look forward to turning on the lamps and lighting our Jack Frost candle, which have added to such a cozy feel.  I also can't believe Christmas is less than a week away!  And a New Year will begin in a mere 13 days. Wow.  Looking back over this past year...well, that may be another post for another time...
Something I heard a long time ago...what needs to happen will happen.  I remind myself of that when things aren't going as planned.  When life isn't nice and tidy...and it often isn't.  When water is pouring through the kitchen ceiling...when you've already made three trips to the store only to find you've forgotten yet another ingredient for the cookies you planned to bake...when someone you love dearly has died and there's not enough cookies or carols or good cheer to fill the heartbreaking chasm you still feel by their absence.  What needs to happen will happen.  Whether or not we're perfect or even ready.  God reaching down through time and space and history.  Right here.  Right now.  He has and will come for each of us, through His son.  And that my friends, is what I will try to keep remembering each and every day.   We can always choose to hope.  We can always choose Love.

The Merriest of Christmas Wishes to each of you! 
And as always, for more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Advent Reflections

It is chilly, dark, and quiet, as I sit beside my husband in this beautiful, old, church on a Saturday afternoon in December.  It's technically not a cathedral, but it feels like one with it's majestic arches, stained glass windows that are at least 22 feet tall, each one depicting a story of the life of Christ.  The Stations of the Cross are glorious works of art.  They are about 4 1/2 feet tall and 2 1/2 feet wide, carved wood, three dimensional, each one telling a part of the story of our Lord's Passion. 
We arrived early, along with a handful of others, on this gray, cold day, before the big snowstorm would hit and transform a plain, bitterly cold landscape into a soft, deep, white, snowy, silence.
After sliding into the pew, we prayed...thanking God for this day, this gift of the sacrament of reconciliation.  We each took our turn in the confessional, and then made our way to a pew in the center of the sanctuary.  Hearts cleansed,  spirits refreshed.  Making room in our hearts for the Christ Child.  As we sat in silence, preparing our hearts and minds for the mass, I began to meditate on the incredible mystery of it all.  God could have remained distant.  But He did not.  So many others have expressed it far better than I.  Yet I still feel the need to attempt to put into words what I was feeling.  And what I was and am feeling is an overwhelming gratitude that our God loved us enough to not stay away, to not remain distant.  And Mary, conceived without sin, became an integral part of His plan to enter into the history of mankind.  To show us in the flesh His Love.  His Word.  His Christ.  Our Christ.  Soon the warm lights of the church would be on, pews filling with parishioners in good spirits, our voices rising toward heaven with song and prayer. 

Gaudete Sunday



Friday, December 13, 2013

7 QT's your Advent going? (Vol VI)

Wind chills tonight are expected to be reach -20.  Yikes!  Well, we asked for it (not -20 wind chill though...not really) looks like we're going to get it!  Aaaannnnnd....we are gearing up for our first major snowstorm of the season!  Exciting!  Confession:  I have this weird thing about storms that makes me want to stockpile not only milk, bread, cheese, okay chips and salsa too...but huge giant packages of toilet paper.  Like, as long as we have 75 rolls of toilet paper we'll be fine.  I don't know, is it me? Ha! You say.  It most definitely is.  
The next two posts will be how I am always, like always, late to the game.  Slow on the uptake.  Whatevs.  First, I am IN LOVE with the blog.  Yes, apparently she's been around like since forever.  Don't ask me why I only JUST this week discovered her.  But wow.  She is cooking up amazing things in a kitchen that...hold your horses...may actually be smaller than mine.  I just love her.  Of course, we proved at Thanksgiving that not, one...not not even three...but FOUR count 'em people could actually FIT in my kitchen and accomplish whatever said task they dared to enter to accomplish.  And most importantly, my daughter, granddaughter, and myself could all happily cook side-by side in said kitchen.  Gotta give props one more time to our amazing electrician, Joseph, who took my kitchen from what was the PITS of despair and 40 watts to a sparkly 300 watts worth of recessed lighting.  
My NEXT late to the game entry is about doughnuts.  Or donuts.  Whichever or whatever.  Never cared that much one way or another.  But I've discovered the good folks of Maine *love* their donuts. (Using that spelling because it's shorter...but not after my explanation...ANYwayzzz...) There is a Dunkin Donuts or Tim Horton's on every corner.  And to keep this one short(ish) since YOU all probably already know about it anyway...all I'm gonna say is take your humble glazed donut or three and 15 seconds in the microwave.  That's it.  Promise me you will.  
Back to more serious Adventy stuff.  Confession.  We're going to try to hit the big church downtown tomorrow pre-snowstorm.  I know a lot of my protestant friends and family question this practice, and quite honestly when my husband and I were in the process of RCIA preparing to enter the Catholic Church in 2002, it was a hard one for me to understand as well.  But all I can say is, I am always Nervous Nellie before I go in and I feel lighter than air and freer than free when I walk out.  I cannot explain it, therefore, I will simply's a mystery.  One that I am so grateful to have.  So...if you're reading this...and you are Catholic...and you've not yet sure to take advantage of this most beautiful sacrament before Christmas comes!  And it's almost here!  
So... as a part of practicing our faith, we try very hard to keep Friday's meatless around here.  To that is a recipe that we've come to love that is perfect, especially served with some Naan bread (Indian bread you can find now at most grocery stores).
I'm actually excited about the upcoming snow storm. I do hope we don't lost power as I know some of you have experienced with some of the recent storms.  That's never fun.  But barring loss of power..the Christmas cards have been written and mailed, and the Christmas packages (almost all) have been deposited with the post office.  There's a Christmas concert scheduled for Sunday afternoon performed by the local University choirs, and we hope to go to that if the roads allow.  But aside from that, we have some Christmas movies recorded and plenty of popcorn, hot chocolate with marshmallows and candy canes (the important stuff, right?) so we are ready to hunker down, snuggle up, and just watch the world go by! 
I pray you all stay safe and well and that your days of anticipating the celebration of God entering the world through the Christ child are prayerful and peaceful.  God bless!  
For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!

Friday, December 6, 2013

7 Quick Takes (Vol V) Waiting and Preparing

These cold, short, December days have me wanting to stay in and just knit, bake, read and drink cup after cup of tea.  I'm in major nesting mode of late.  
This week, the Christmas shopping was completed. 
This is a picture looking out of the window at the restaurant where we had lunch.  It was a lovely day.  No crowds, cool weather but no wind so walking up and down the streets was quite comfortable.  I love that so many of the shops had items made in Maine.  
With the Christmas shopping completed, it was time to begin the Christmas pudding.  It's actually more like a steamed cake, and traditionally it's served with a lemon sauce...or if you're feeling really fancy, a brandy sauce...and fancier still just go on and flambĂ© that brandy sauce!  But accident-prone me will just stick with the lemon sauce, thank you very much! 

My mom made these every year and sent one to each of us.  For me, it wasn't Christmas until I had some of mom's Christmas pudding.  The recipe was from her grandmother, our Grandma Dunn, who was born in 1885 in Cornwall, England.   The steamer shown in the pictures belonged to her.  A few changes since Grandma Dunn made it...we no longer use suet, but Crisco instead.  (Although I would not be opposed...I've previously confessed my affinity for *real* mincemeat pie.) The other change is my mom would macerate the raisins and currents with about 3 Tablespoons of Grand Marnier (an orange cognac) which I have continued to do.  I love the spicy fragrance that fills the house while these steam.
Once of my very favorite books to read during Advent.  Each day has scripture, a reflection, a commentary, and a short prayer.  I love the Scripture which marked the first day of Advent. " The apostles gathered around Jesus, and told him all that they had done and taught.  He said to them, "Come away to a deserted place all by yourselves and rest a while." Mark 6:30-31
And last, but certainly not least, Happy feast day of St Nicholas! 

And for more Quick Takes, please visit Conversion Diary!

Monday, December 2, 2013

A December Day in Pictures (and a few words)


And finally, when we were done playing, we went down the road and picked out a fresh Christmas tree from Piper Mountain.  They had hot mulled cider and homemade sugar donuts. *sigh*
Here's the tree, undecorated as yet.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

7 Quick Takes Advent Edition (Vol IV)

Joining up once again with Conversion Diary, albeit a tad late this time.  Thanksgiving has come and gone.  We had such a great time with our kids and grandkids here!  They are the best! We took walks, went to the Children's Museum, visited the beautiful library in our little town, played in the snow, went to some fun restaurants, and just enjoyed each other's company.  Our daughter and granddaughter both helped me so much in the kitchen as they are both fabulous cooks!  And our little grandson was an absolute charmer and oh so busy! Of course we were sad to see them go, but we're already planning a summer trip!  
As many of you know, today is the first Sunday of Advent. 
We attended the Vigil Mass last night at the big church downtown.  So beautiful.  I thought I would share the prayer for the first week of Advent:

"May this light remind us of Jesus who is the true light of the world.  Be kind to us, Father, for we are filled with worldly cares.  Help us to lift up our souls to a new way of living, that we may always be ready for your coming and deserve your protection through Christ our Lord. Amen."
This morning we woke up to a gentle snow falling.  So we decided to take our walk early...and walk to the little coffee shop down the street for breakfast!  What better motivation to get some exercise than homemade blueberry pancakes with real Maine maple syrup and a pile of bacon?  That's what I call healthy living!

It's been fascinating the past few days to watch the ice flow down the Penobscot.  From small pieces to large boulder sized chunks.  It illuminates the strength of the current and one is truly able to get a sense of the power of that river.  
This morning I took out the Nativity that my mom always set up when my sister & I were growing up. 
Now, that's got me thinking about Christmas baking and it's time to start making my mom's Christmas pudding!  It gets better the longer it "ages" so I need to get that started this week, to be sure.  And speaking of baking, I was so excited to find at our local grocery store, real honest-to-goodness mincemeat, made right here!  Oh how I love mincemeat pie.  It has apples and raisins and lots of yummy spices.  So a large jar of deliciousness is tucked away in my fridge.  Don't judge me!  If you have never tried this...well, it's just like Christmas in a jar.  I love to make little pies in muffin tins, filled with mincemeat and sprinkle sparkly sugar on top. 

We plan to visit the lovely little coastal village of Camden one day this week to do some Christmas shopping.  This coming weekend the town celebrates "Christmas by the Sea", but we're hoping to avoid those crowds. We're on a tight budget for Christmas as are many of you as well, I'm sure.  We're hoping to find some small but meaningful gifts and I'm excited as we prepare for our first Christmas in Maine!  I pray that you all have a very blessed Advent! 

And, for more Quick Takes, please visit Conversion Diary!