Friday, October 18, 2013

Friday Catch-Up

The days go by so quickly!  It's been wonderful watching the season change.  Every day there are more vivid colors in the landscape and God's handiwork is all around us. 
The Golden Maple in front of our house.
Then yesterday we were exploring our garden again.  We knew there were grapes, but hadn't really checked on them in a while.  Well, we discovered that not only do we have concord grapes, around in the back of the grape arbor, we also have sweet red table grapes!  It's amazing they survived as they were being choked by numerous tree saplings that had popped up and also thorny rose bushes had been planted all around them.  Well, roses are one of the favorite food stuffs of the evil incarnate Japanese Beetle.  Which of course had happily been eating away at the grapes.  So...Tom did some serious gardening today and cleaned up the entire grape arbor.  Can't wait to see how well it does next year!
We still are waiting for lots of the red grapes to ripen on the vine.
In other news...
remember how I said I couldn't wait for my Penny Rug class this week?  Because I would finally have a finished craft in hand?  Ha. Ha. Ha. 
Only one lady finished and that was because she already knew how to do it and had worked on hers all week since the last class. (Hers did turn out beautifully, I must say.) As for the rest of us, well, we have all been taught the correct techniques and stitches and now it's up to us to finish.  The instructor is so nice and did say we are all welcome to pop back in her shop if we run into any problems.  I promise to post a pic WHEN I finish.  Really.  And it will be before 2014. 
The class actually was a lot of fun and I hope to take more classes from her in the future. 
I've also been working on some painting projects using old fashioned milk paint that I bought at the Common Ground Fair.  I'm painting some picture frames as well as a little side table. It's really nice because there are no fumes with this paint, so I can actually work on it inside the house. 
I am hoping to start baking our bread soon.  There is a method where you mix up the dough once a week (& it doesn't require kneading), and store it in your fridge. Every day you just cut off the amount you need that day, let it rest on the counter for 20 minutes and bake for 30.  Voila.  Home baked bread that does NOT cost 5 bucks a loaf.  So...will let you know if that really works or if it's all hype.  We're committed to living more frugally.  It's been hard moving cross country and getting our household up and running.  But we're almost there and I think it will be a fun challenge to explore ways to live a frugal but rich life.  (Okay, I know cable is NOT frugal...but c'mon.  This is Maine.  6 months of winter, remember?  I'm just not that strong...)
Hope everyone has a great weekend!  Thanks for reading!

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