Friday, November 8, 2013

7 Quick Takes: Autumn Edition (Vol 1)

Hello there!  Trying something new and linking up this week with one of my favorite bloggers, Jennifer Fulwiler! get things started...there was a bear sighting in our neighborhood recently!  A neighbor spotted a black bear ambling along (across our property as well!), likely scarfing down the last of the acorns before denning up for the winter.  
We have snow in our forecast!  And...we actually saw a few flakes today while we were at the farmer's market.  (Last Farmer's Market for the season -  so sad!) It's really starting to feel like the holidays are just around the corner!  Although we would not have been surprised to see some snow as early as October, I'm thankful we've had a mild fall and it's only gradually been getting colder with milder days interspersed. 
And speaking of fall... you may recall our beautiful Sugar Maple in the front yard (we call him Golden Boy - what else).  Well... this
became this
and (you probably see where this is going) became this!

                                --- 4 ---
Okay this counts as two takes!  That's right.  35, 39 gallon bags.  And that was only from Golden Boy and then a smaller maple tree outside our living room window.  I'm afraid the rest of the leaves will just have to be mulched with the mower, because , good grief Golden Boy!  That's a whole lotta rakin' goin' on!
And of course, fall makes me think of, what else, pumpkin recipes!  Mary (another of my most favorite bloggers!) at made some Pumpkin Cinnamon Rolls this past week that look amazing!  I am definitely trying out her recipe.  Oh my goodness, those look wonderful.   Check them out!  And she is just an amazing woman. 
We have family coming in for Thanksgiving and I couldn't be more excited!  It's time to start planning the Thanksgiving Menu!  I just love this time of year! I've already been burning my balsam fir candle and (okay I'll admit it) playing my Christmas playlist! 
Contentment.  I've been thinking about that lately.  What a gift it is.  Through prayer, God has given me contentment when I needed it and for many years at a stretch.  Then blessed me with enough desire for change to persevere and follow my dreams even when the road was scary and difficult and exhausting.  And then, out of that,  the blessing of contentment once again.  I am at that place.  It's been a little over two crazy, whirlwind months since we made this move, and I look around at the beauty around me, holding the hand of my best friend, and I am filled with gratitude that our good God would bless me so. 
Have a great weekend everyone and...

For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!


  1. Wow that all sounds amazing! Happy November!

  2. Thanks Joy! Happy November to you as well! It sure is going by in a hurry!

  3. Your photos are beautiful!! I'm glad you've been able to enjoy a true autumn as you ease into winter.

  4. Thank you, Donna! I now understand why so many Mainers say autumn is their favorite season.
