Wednesday, February 19, 2014

For my Mom

On this day 24 months ago...2400 miles ago...sometimes feeling like 24 lifetimes ago...sometimes feeling like it was only yesterday...our hearts broken yet through the brokenness God's grace still found a way in...through the tears...through the unspeakable sadness...walking through that front door and you not being there and knowing you would never again be there and feeling you so very close yet not being able to hear your voice...hold your hand...see that twinkle in your beautiful blue eyes...but so thankful that there would be no more cold hospital more more needles and tests and wrong medicines that only made you feel worse never more sorrow for you only unspeakable peace and joy and love and Jesus.  You gave us so much...a love for art and music and good books and theatre and good food...there was  Julia Child and Carole King and the Rocky Mountains and all things English .  You made everything more were an amazing colored our world with beauty.  You gave the best advice, taught us to follow our dreams...always on our side and encouraging us...showing us by your own example how you persevered through hardships.  Some days it doesn't feel like we can survive this...the letting you go...but I know you're still there, watching over us, and someday we will be together again...I love you Mom.  You are so very missed.
"If I knew that today would be the last time I’d see you, I would hug you tight and pray the Lord be the keeper of your soul. If I knew that this would be the last time you pass through this door, I’d embrace you, kiss you, and call you back for one more. If I knew that this would be the last time I would hear your voice, I’d take hold of each word to be able to hear it over and over again. If I knew this is the last time I see you, I’d tell you I love you, and would not just assume foolishly you know it already."
                                                           Gabriel Garcia Marquez



  1. I love you guys! Beautifully well written for a beautiful woman, inside and out, that we all miss every day.
