Wednesday, February 12, 2014

The Calm before the Storm

Pictures from our walk today.  The day was beautiful, crisp and cold.  The crows cawing loudly back and forth in the doubt discussing the snow storm heading ever nearer...
We are learning more each time.  After a storm passes, we work together with the precision of a military hand signals over the roar of the snow blower...he tackles part, I tackle part...we know just where we need to move and clear the snow to best utilize the space in the event more snow comes.  It's hard work, but it's almost like a runner's high when we're finished.  We stomp the snow off of our boots and come into the warm house, change into warm, dry clothes, and drink hot chocolate with marshmallows in front of the fire, exhausted but quite happy.
So...we're ready, I think!  Looks like we might get quite a bit of snow with this one Thursday night into Friday.  We'll see.  Supplies on hand: a good book to read - right now I'm reading THE GOOD THIEF by Hannah Tinti.  Just good old fashioned story telling, it is.  New project on the knitting needles...can't say what it is because it's a surprise for someone who might read this.  And another project on the horizon...still need to pick out the yarn for that one.  Let's see...oh and more Olympics to watch!  We record them, because the commercials and chit chat between the competitions drives me crazy.  Good food in the house, plenty of milk for our Earl Grey tea lattes (steep the tea directly in the heated milk and add sugar.  So, so good.) And as long as we don't lose power...Pandora it so much. 

The bread making is going very well!  I guess the first few times I tried it, I thought maybe it was a fluke that it was so easy, yet produced loaves like the ones we used to pay the bucks for at Central Market.  I'll pull off enough dough in the mornings while we have breakfast and bake it in time for sandwiches at lunch.  So yummy!  I need to branch out though with some of the other recipes. 

Plans this weekend to see a play at the local theatre with our friends...if we're not snowed in!

Hope you are all staying safe and warm!  God is good, always.  Keeping a candle in the window and a prayer to heaven for you...

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