Friday, December 13, 2013

7 QT's your Advent going? (Vol VI)

Wind chills tonight are expected to be reach -20.  Yikes!  Well, we asked for it (not -20 wind chill though...not really) looks like we're going to get it!  Aaaannnnnd....we are gearing up for our first major snowstorm of the season!  Exciting!  Confession:  I have this weird thing about storms that makes me want to stockpile not only milk, bread, cheese, okay chips and salsa too...but huge giant packages of toilet paper.  Like, as long as we have 75 rolls of toilet paper we'll be fine.  I don't know, is it me? Ha! You say.  It most definitely is.  
The next two posts will be how I am always, like always, late to the game.  Slow on the uptake.  Whatevs.  First, I am IN LOVE with the blog.  Yes, apparently she's been around like since forever.  Don't ask me why I only JUST this week discovered her.  But wow.  She is cooking up amazing things in a kitchen that...hold your horses...may actually be smaller than mine.  I just love her.  Of course, we proved at Thanksgiving that not, one...not not even three...but FOUR count 'em people could actually FIT in my kitchen and accomplish whatever said task they dared to enter to accomplish.  And most importantly, my daughter, granddaughter, and myself could all happily cook side-by side in said kitchen.  Gotta give props one more time to our amazing electrician, Joseph, who took my kitchen from what was the PITS of despair and 40 watts to a sparkly 300 watts worth of recessed lighting.  
My NEXT late to the game entry is about doughnuts.  Or donuts.  Whichever or whatever.  Never cared that much one way or another.  But I've discovered the good folks of Maine *love* their donuts. (Using that spelling because it's shorter...but not after my explanation...ANYwayzzz...) There is a Dunkin Donuts or Tim Horton's on every corner.  And to keep this one short(ish) since YOU all probably already know about it anyway...all I'm gonna say is take your humble glazed donut or three and 15 seconds in the microwave.  That's it.  Promise me you will.  
Back to more serious Adventy stuff.  Confession.  We're going to try to hit the big church downtown tomorrow pre-snowstorm.  I know a lot of my protestant friends and family question this practice, and quite honestly when my husband and I were in the process of RCIA preparing to enter the Catholic Church in 2002, it was a hard one for me to understand as well.  But all I can say is, I am always Nervous Nellie before I go in and I feel lighter than air and freer than free when I walk out.  I cannot explain it, therefore, I will simply's a mystery.  One that I am so grateful to have.  So...if you're reading this...and you are Catholic...and you've not yet sure to take advantage of this most beautiful sacrament before Christmas comes!  And it's almost here!  
So... as a part of practicing our faith, we try very hard to keep Friday's meatless around here.  To that is a recipe that we've come to love that is perfect, especially served with some Naan bread (Indian bread you can find now at most grocery stores).
I'm actually excited about the upcoming snow storm. I do hope we don't lost power as I know some of you have experienced with some of the recent storms.  That's never fun.  But barring loss of power..the Christmas cards have been written and mailed, and the Christmas packages (almost all) have been deposited with the post office.  There's a Christmas concert scheduled for Sunday afternoon performed by the local University choirs, and we hope to go to that if the roads allow.  But aside from that, we have some Christmas movies recorded and plenty of popcorn, hot chocolate with marshmallows and candy canes (the important stuff, right?) so we are ready to hunker down, snuggle up, and just watch the world go by! 
I pray you all stay safe and well and that your days of anticipating the celebration of God entering the world through the Christ child are prayerful and peaceful.  God bless!  
For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!

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