Friday, December 20, 2013

7 QT It's almost here! (Vol VII)

Joining the fun one more time with Conversion Diary!
So...our entire outlook on weather, and what constitutes "cold" has been irrevocably altered.  Now, anything that's 0 or above seems quite balmy.  Seriously.  The other morning when I woke up, I checked the weather on my phone and it was 10 below.  Not wind chill.  Actual temperature.  But we were cozy and it just didn't seem that bad!  Back in Texas, I think we might have freaked out, just a little bit. 

We try to take a good, brisk, long walk every day.  No matter what, unless there is an actual snowstorm going on.  A few days we've been tempted to skip it, and then we look out our window to see several of the neighbors (I'm pretty sure who are older than us) bundled up and briskly walking.  So we'll look at each other, sigh, and say, better get our boots and coats on!  So far, even when the temperature has dipped below 0, our walk has gone well and we've been glad we did it. 

Tomorrow is the Winter Solstice.  And then these days will begin growing longer, little by little.  When the time change first occurred, it came as quite a surprise to me, to have the days grow short so quickly.  At first it was quite an adjustment.  We started walking before lunch so we would be sure to have plenty of light.  We added little white lights around various windows of the house and started turning on lamps by 3:00 p.m.  It's surprising to me how quickly we are able to adjust, because it wasn't long before I started to look forward to turning on the lamps and lighting our Jack Frost candle, which have added to such a cozy feel.  I also can't believe Christmas is less than a week away!  And a New Year will begin in a mere 13 days. Wow.  Looking back over this past year...well, that may be another post for another time...
Something I heard a long time ago...what needs to happen will happen.  I remind myself of that when things aren't going as planned.  When life isn't nice and tidy...and it often isn't.  When water is pouring through the kitchen ceiling...when you've already made three trips to the store only to find you've forgotten yet another ingredient for the cookies you planned to bake...when someone you love dearly has died and there's not enough cookies or carols or good cheer to fill the heartbreaking chasm you still feel by their absence.  What needs to happen will happen.  Whether or not we're perfect or even ready.  God reaching down through time and space and history.  Right here.  Right now.  He has and will come for each of us, through His son.  And that my friends, is what I will try to keep remembering each and every day.   We can always choose to hope.  We can always choose Love.

The Merriest of Christmas Wishes to each of you! 
And as always, for more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!

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