Monday, September 16, 2013


It was a beautiful, cool, sunny day here in our little spot of Maine yesterday.  Last Sunday we began attending  the little Catholic Church here in our neighborhood...we love it! The people are lovely and the priest is wonderful.  And bonus -it's less than a mile from our house! Yesterday after mass, we decided to take advantage of the gorgeous weather, pack a picnic, and head off for Acadia National Park.  It was a lovely drive, even though LOTS of other people had the very same idea we did!  We stopped at the entrance to the park, where Tom got a lifetime park pass for seniors for...get this...ten bucks!  Good at any of the National Parks in the good ol' U.S.A.! And it's good for anyone who is with him.  He told me, "Stick with me, kid!"  ha ha.  We followed the Park Loop which was beautiful, but since it was all so new and we really had no idea where we were going, we decided in the future we would hop on one of the many free bus tours so we can both take in all of the sights.  We stopped and had our picnic here.
That is actually ocean off in the distance.  Admittedly a terrible picture.  But you get the idea.
On the drive home, we took a different route, turned a corner and came upon this!
 But honestly, the very best part of the day was after we returned home, we took a walk through our new neighborhood, then sat on our front porch and watched the tide come in on the river.'s back to work trying to bring some order to this house! And a cool, rainy day.  So perfect for getting things done inside.  I hope all of you have a lovely week, and I may not have said so before, but thank you so much for reading my blog! 


  1. I am so glad I got caught up on your blog and that you're sharing so many pictures!! It's beautiful!!! I cannot wait to visit and love you both so, so much! I'll have to check back in over here more often since I know you're updating! Way to go! :D

  2. We can't wait for you to visit - we will have so much to see and do! In the mean time...we miss you like crazy!
