Saturday, September 21, 2013

The Common Ground Country Fair

A friend told us about this fair, taking place yesterday, today and tomorrow.  While we had planned to work around the garden here at home, taking another day off to go play sounded much more fun! So off we went to Unity, Maine.  This fair is a big deal around the state and fairgoers came from all over.  The Maine Organic Farmer and Gardener Association has held this fair for the past 37 years.  Healthy food at a fair?  Seems like an oxymoron, no?  But oh my goodness, the food at this place was wonderful.  We parked and took the train into the fairgrounds as traffic was really heavy.
Along the way this is what the scenery looked like.

The fair is a celebration of rural living, food, families, and community.  There were beautiful crafts, delicious foods, all kinds of demonstrations from rug wool hooking (something I definitely want to learn how to do):
to wool and fibre shows, livestock shows, border collie demonstrations, and on and on.
Here is a pumpkin that was carved in the Farmer's Market:
We had fresh blueberries and homemade ginger ice cream, cold pressed cider and some yummy baked beans. 
We also got to see Eliot Coleman give a demonstration on building a moveable hoop house (don't think we'll be up to that project this year at least...) and they had beautiful garden displays.  Here's one on square foot gardening:
We had a great time and will definitely make plans to go back again next year! 
Tomorrow it's supposed to be cool and rainy all day so after church we will be staying cozy in the house with some turkey chili in the crock pot and watching some football, I'm sure.   Hope you are all having a great weekend!


  1. The fair looked and sounded wonderful

  2. It was a lot of fun! Can't wait to go back next year...if I survive the winter, that is! ha ha
